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Tesoro Music Boosters
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Titan Regiment Band Camp 2024

Order forms for Dinkles (marching band shoes) and Band Camp Dinners are coming soon!

We will also need donations of food and time during band camp from our parents. Please check back here and join us in the Music Booster group on the BAND app for more information.

Fair Share

The Tesoro Instrumental Music Program relies on donations from our music families. While the district does provide some things such as our directors and the facilities, the program relies on the Boosters to provide necessary items like new instruments, sheet music, show design and coaching.

Fair Share Progress

Thank you to our Sponsors


For the low price of $205 you can advertise your business in each concert program and on our website, or choose your preferred option. All funds will be used to support the Tesoro Instrumental Music program.

Stay in touch

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Every parent or guardian of a student in the Tesoro Instrumental Music Program is a member of the Tesoro Music Boosters. Whether you can donate time, expertise, or cases of bottled water, we need you! Please join our Tesoro Music Boosters group on the BAND app (that’s “band” as in “band of supportive parents” not “marching band”).


Posted on the app are tons of pictures, timely updates and volunteer sign-ups. Scan the QR code on your mobile device or click the image to join.

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